Leadership development opportunities for health and social care colleagues

The Prime Minister the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP has praised Northamptonshire’s mental health crisis and community services as “trailblazing” during a visit to the county.
Read Prime Minister visits mental health services in Northamptonshire…We are excited to share a newly launched 10-year strategy to support people in Northamptonshire to ‘Live Your Best Life’.
Read Integrated Care Northamptonshire launches 10-year strategy…The MET office is predicting colder weather over the next few days in North Northamptonshire. This means that there will be freezing temperatures overnight and these will remain low during the day.
Read Keeping the vulnerable safe during this week’s cold spell…Teams have been working together to support the Asian community in our county.
Read Countywide iCAN Programme collaborates with Support Northamptonshire…