Learning and development

Integrated Care Northamptonshire is dedicated to supporting health and social care colleagues to access learning and development opportunities to help you achieve your career goals and reach your full potential.

On this page you will find details of all the learning and development programmes which are currently accepting applications.

Looking for inspiration? Why not explore our Leadership Matters Conversations homepage for details of our free online webinar series bringing world class leaders to our virtual space.

Reverse Mentoring

Porter with trolly A pioneering equality, diversity and inclusion initiative for colleagues in health, social care and other Integrated Care Northamptonshire (ICN) partner organisations. Reverse Mentoring offers members of staff with protected characteristics (i.e. Black, Asian or any other minoritised ethnic group; LGBTQ+; or disability / long-term condition) the opportunity to mentor senior leaders over a six-month period, with full training and support from ICN.

Apply online now

Programme overview

Reverse Mentoring involves a colleague in a senior position being mentored by someone in a more junior position than themselves, with a focus on equality, diversity and inclusion.

It enables colleagues with protected characteristics (i.e. Black, Asian or any other minoritised ethnic group; LGBTQ+; or disability / long-term condition) to give senior staff and leaders an insight into their experiences through safe, honest, open and respectful conversations.

In this ICN pilot programme we are looking for individuals with the protected characteristics mentioned above who are interested in sharing their experiences and insights with leaders to sign up as Reverse Mentors. We are also looking for leaders interested in benefiting from those experiences and insights to sign up as Reverse Mentees.

All participants are expected to fully commit to engaging in the one-to-one Reverse Mentoring relationship for six months. Mentors and Mentees will be encouraged to meet at least six times between May and November 2023. They will also be required to complete training and preparation before the programme begins.

The deadline to apply for the Reverse Mentoring programme is 31 March 2023 and training and preparation begins in April. The programme itself is scheduled to take place between May 2023 and November 2023.

Who is it for?

Reverse Mentors

Colleagues who consider themselves to belong to an underrepresented or minoritised group (i.e. Black, Asian or any other minoritised ethnic group; LGBTQ+; or disability / long-term condition) are encouraged to apply to become Reverse Mentors.

Reverse Mentors will be required to:

  • Seek consent from their line manager before signing up and committing to the programme
  • Fully commit to leading and engaging in the one-to-one reverse mentor/mentee relationship for six months 
  • Attend a one-day training session. Time dedicated to this training session will be fully supported by management
  • Attend six reverse mentoring meetings during the six months

Reverse mentors will have access to regular facilitated peer support and participate in the evaluation of the Reverse Mentoring programme at various stages throughout.

Find out more about Reverse Mentoring for Reverse Mentors.

Reverse Mentees

Board members and very senior managers in health, social care and other ICN partner organisations who are interested in benefiting from the experiences and insights of colleagues with protected characteristics are encouraged to apply to become Reverse Mentees.

Reverse Mentees will be required to:

  • Fully commit to engaging in the one-to-one reverse mentor/mentee relationship for six months where you will have honest, open and respectful conversations with your Reverse Mentors about barriers and challenges of underrepresented groups
  • Attend a two-hour preparation session
  • Attend six reverse mentoring meetings during the six months 
  • Attend three facilitated reflective practice sessions one, three and five months into the programme
  • Participate in the evaluation of the Reverse Mentoring programme

Find out more about Reverse Mentoring for leaders.

What is in it for me?

Reverse Mentors

Being a Revers Mentor will provide an opportunity for you to build an open and honest relationship with a senior leader in a safe environment. The Reverse Mentoring programme will not only help you to build your self-esteem, but at the same time you will gain experience in leadership and communication.

By participating in the Reverse Mentoring programme, you could:

  • Help our leaders to reflect upon and challenge their attitudes to equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Help senior leaders become more aware of cultural and systemic issues within their own organisations
  • Support senior leaders to cut through held biases and improve understanding between cultures
  • Positively influence organisational culture across Integrated Care Northamptonshire
  • Help to improve the experiences of colleagues and build a culture of trust, transparency and inclusivity

Find out more about Reverse Mentoring for Reverse Mentors.

Reverse Mentees

Pairing a senior leader with a junior colleague from a diverse background in a Reverse Mentoring relationship gives senior leaders a better understanding of the issues and challenges that minority groups face in the workplace. Equipped with this knowledge, the senior leader can more effectively advocate for change within an organisation.

The Reverse Mentoring programme is for you if you:

  • Are a Board member or very senior manager
  • Would like to take your ability as an inclusive leader to the next level
  • Would welcome the chance to develop your cultural humility
  • Are ready to be challenged about your unconscious bias and thinking patterns about people different to you
  • Want to raise your level of conscious inclusivity
  • Are prepared to reflect upon and challenge your attitudes to equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Are keen to drive improvements to our organisational culture across Integrated Care Northamptonshire and improve experiences for staff

Find out more about Reverse Mentoring for leaders.

Detail and timetable

Drop-in information sessions for Mentors and Mentees

We are hosting a series of informal online events in February 2023 for anyone interested in participating or finding out more about the Reverse Mentoring programme.

Follow the link to join whenever you like during the times shown.

If you are interested in taking part in the Reverse Mentoring programme, don't forget to complete an online expression of interest form.

Training and preparation sessions

All Reverse Mentors and Reverse Mentees will be required to complete an online training and preparation session before they can participate in the programme. You will be able to choose your preferred date for training when you complete the online form registering your interest.

Reverse Mentor training dates:

  • Wednesday 19 April 2023 – 9.30am to 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 25 April 2023 – 9.30am to 3.30pm

Reverse Mentee training dates:

  • Wednesday 26 April 2023 – 9am to 11am
  • Wednesday 3 May 2023 – 9am to 11am

How to apply

If you would like to participate in the Integrated Care Northamptonshire Reverse Mentoring programme, there is a short, online form  to complete.

We will then contact you with further details of what happens next.

Please note that the closing date for expressions of interest in Reverse Mentoring is Friday 31 March 2023.

Participant feedback

“This has been the most important piece of work I have done in the 30 years I have worked for the NHS....”
Board member/reverse mentee, NHS Mental Health Trust

“It’s gift isn’t it… reverse mentoring?”
Reverse mentor

"It’s like she turned on the light in a room where I thought the light was already on. I didn’t know there was more light."
Board member/reverse mentee

"I am so grateful I got to be part of this programme and it’s been one of the best experiences of my entire working career. It’s not only been a pleasure to build this bond with 'D', but it’s been a journey of self-discovery for me. I have enjoyed sharing this experience with my colleagues and hearing how much of an impact everyone has had on the senior management team."
Reverse mentor


Female nurse smiling with older male patient

ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment.

The ReSPECT process creates personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical care and treatment in a future emergency in which they are unable to make or express choices.

These recommendations are created through conversations between a person, their families, and their health and care professionals to understand what matters to them and what is realistic in terms of their care and treatment.

Access the training

Programme overview

Health and social care organisations across Northamptonshire will adopt the ReSPECT process in May 2024. Training is commencing now, so our health and social care colleagues are ReSPECT ready.

Who is it for?

There are two training modules relating to the ReSPECT process, 'Awareness' and 'Authorship Training'. Most organisations are designating these training modules as ‘must do’ for health and care professionals, and we ask that you engage with the training as early as possible.

Module one: 01_01 ReSPECT Awareness is aimed at staff across health and social care organisations that come into contact with service/patient users. It provides an understanding of the ReSPECT process as it is replacing the DNACPR order (Do Not Attempt Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation) in Northamptonshire and gives them the tools to respond appropriately to a patient with a ReSPECT form in an emergency.

Module two: 01_02 ReSPECT Authorship Training is aimed at health and social care professionals having ReSPECT conversations and completing and endorsing the patient held form.

Detail and timetable

Northamptonshire launches the ReSPECT process in May 2024.

To ensure that health and social care colleagues can lead ReSPECT conversations or make informed, compassionate decisions about a person’s emergency care and treatment, training commences in December 2023. We aim to achieve widespread knowledge and training completion by March 2024.

In Autumn 2024, the ReSPECT process will replace the DNACPR order (Do Not Attempt Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation) in Northamptonshire.

How to access training

If your organisation uses MyESR, the training modules will be added to the platform. If you are able, we recommend you access the training in this way, so your organisation can recognise that you are ReSPECT ready.

For organisations without ESR, each module is available for colleagues to access via NHS England’s eLearning for Healthcare online portal. You will need to create an account to access the correct session via the links in this section.

To create an account:

  • Enter your email address (this can be a personal one, but it must be in your own name) and click register
  • Click 'I work in social care'
  • Enter your postcode in the location box to find your address in the dropdown menu
  • Enter a registration code which needs to obtained from E-LFH (by emailing support@e-lfh.org.uk or via the live chat service)
  • You will then be able to continue through the registration wizard

All health and social care colleagues will require ReSPECT Awareness training if they come into contact with service users and patients who may have a ReSPECT plan in place. For those involved in ReSPECT conversations, they will require ReSPECT Authoring training. You only need to complete one training module.

A guide is available to help you navigate training via the eLearning for Healthcare online portal:
ReSPECT Awareness Training - How to access training via eLearning for Healthcare.pdf [pdf] 745KB

Further resources

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