1. Home

  2. Integrated care system

    1. About the integrated care system
      1. ICN Today newsletter
      2. Working together
        1. Mental health, learning disability and autism
      3. Engagement and involvement
        1. How insight has led to change
      4. Integrated Care Partnership
    2. Your care and wellbeing
      1. Support from your pharmacy
        1. Bank Holiday opening times
        2. Order what you need
      2. Vaccinations
        1. Childhood immunisations
        2. COVID-19
        3. Flu
        4. Pneumococcal
        5. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
        6. Shingles
      3. Supporting Care Leavers
      4. Smokefree pledge
      5. My health and care directory
      6. Key local NHS services
        1. Maternity
      7. Social care services
    3. For professionals
      1. Health and Wellbeing Calendar
      2. Pharmacies, Optometrists and Dental
        1. Northamptonshire Pharmacy Faculty
      3. Learning and development
        1. Let's Talk events
      4. Health inequalities
      5. Colleague wellbeing
      6. Virtual Wellbeing Festival
      7. Information for health and social care providers
      8. Pick up the phone campaign
    4. Work in health and care
      1. Integrated Care Northamptonshire's Academy
        1. Healthcare Support Worker Careers
  3. Integrated care board

    1. About the Integrated Care Board (ICB)
      1. Our Plan
      2. Governance
        1. Board meetings
        2. Meet the board
        3. Mental Health Investment Compliance Statement
      3. Annual Report and Accounts
      4. Equality, inclusion and human rights
      5. Fraud awareness
      6. Quality and safeguarding
      7. Research
      8. Privacy notice, conditions of use and accessibility statement
      9. Risk stratification – How we use patient information
      10. Planning and Preparation
    2. Individual care
      1. Support for the armed forces, reservists and veterans
      2. Care navigation in GP practices
      3. Services for people with Learning Disabilities
      4. Individual funding requests
      5. Continuing healthcare
      6. Non-emergency patient transport
      7. Northamptonshire Care Record
      8. Patient choice
      9. Personal health budgets
      10. Prior approval policies
      11. Assisted Fertility Review
      12. Shared decision making
      13. Weight management
        1. Tirzepatide - weight loss drug
        2. NHS Post-Operative Support for Self-Funded Bariatric Surgery
    3. Documents
    4. Team ICB portal
    5. Contact us
  4. Latest updates

    1. Events
