Governance and Board Meetings
We will ensure that decisions are taken in an open and transparent way and that the interests of patients, service users, carers and the public remain central to our goals.
Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is committed to ensuring accountability in the day-to-day running of our organisation. We will ensure that decisions are taken in an open and transparent way and that the interests of patients, service users, carers and the public remain central to our goals.
The ICB has established robust governance arrangements and a system of internal control. Corporate governance is the system by which the Board directs and controls the organisation at the most senior level in order to achieve its objectives and meet the necessary standards of accountability and probity.
Northamptonshire ICB has developed a constitution which will give us the best possible governance arrangements and infrastructure that will allow us to deliver our vision, strategic aims and priorities.
The Constitution also sets out how the ICB will discharge the organisation’s legal obligations and to engage with our patients and our community, and other key stakeholders and partners to achieve this.
It states that the Board will throughout each year have an ongoing role in reviewing the group’s governance arrangements to ensure principles of good governance are reflected. This includes reviewing the effectiveness and the operation of Board meetings and the committees of the organisation.
NHS Northamptonshire ICB Constitution[pdf] 495KB
The ICB’s Constitution is supported by the ICB’s Governance Handbook, which has been developed to give ease of access to key governance information to support the application of the ICB’s governance arrangements in practice and to give insight to patients and the public on our arrangements.
It describes the processes that are employed to undertake the ICB business, the decisions that are the responsibility of the Board and it committees, alongside the decisions delegated to individual members and employees and sets out the established committees of the Board and the Terms of Reference of the ICB committee. Dates and agendas of upcoming Board meetings are published on our Board meetings page
NHS Northamptonshire ICB Governance Handbook - updated April 2024[pdf] 2MB
In line with the ICB Constitution, the ICB maintains a register of interests for the organisation. Interests declared by Board members, Committee members and staff are managed in line with the ICB’s Standards of Business Conduct and Conflicts of Interests Policy.
Standards of Business Conduct and Conflicts of Interests Policy[pdf] 553KB