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ICN welcomes Sam Allen to kick start new season of Leadership Matters Conversations.

Leadership Matters Conversations are back up and running after our summer break. We are excited to be starting with a session all about women in leadership from Sam Allen, CEO of North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB). Join us on Tuesday 19 September at 10:30am.

Read ICN welcomes Sam Allen to kick start new season of Leadership Matters Conversations.…

Upcoming Industrial Action (24th - 26th August) will have a serious impact on local NHS services

Male nurse and female doctor looking at a computer screen on a hospital ward

The upcoming consultants strike and August Bank Holiday is likely to put local NHS services under significant pressure, and local people are being urged to choose services appropriately during this time and take simple steps to help ensure care is available to patients who need it most.

Read Upcoming Industrial Action (24th - 26th August) will have a serious impact on local NHS services…
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