Most vulnerable in Northamptonshire invited to get COVID-19 spring jabs

Thousands of the most vulnerable people in Northamptonshire are being invited to top-up their protection from coronavirus and book a spring COVID-19 vaccine.
Eligible groups for spring COVID-19 jabs include residents in care homes for older people, people who are 75 and over and adults and children (aged five and over) with a weakened immune system.
Those living in care homes in Northamptonshire are being prioritised and are already starting to receive their vaccinations from this week as roving vaccination teams work to ensure those most vulnerable stay protected this spring.
Those eligible will be invited via letters and text messages from the NHS and notifications on the NHS app, for those who use it. As with previous vaccination programmes, the most vulnerable will be invited first and the spring vaccination offer will end on the 30 June 2023.
If you are eligible you can now book appointments via the National Booking Service, by calling 119, or by using NHS App. There are also a number of drop-in COVID-19 vaccination sessions available at various locations around the county, where no prior booking is necessary. Visit for all the latest details on drop-in locations.
More than 45 sites across Northamptonshire are offering the COVID-19 spring vaccines in a bid to protect as many eligible people in the county as possible close to where they live. As well as GP practices and community pharmacies, this will include Northamptonshire’s own mobile vaccination service which will be visiting neighbourhood venues, shopping centre car parks, places of worship, local events, and other sites throughout the county for the duration of the spring campaign.
To be eligible, it’s recommended that you had your last dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least three months ago.
Chris Pallot, Director of Northamptonshire’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, said:
“The offer of a spring vaccine is the best way to ensure those who need it most maintain a higher level of protection. Please do note that the offer will end on the 30th of June. It’s therefore really important people come forward and stay safe this spring and enjoy your summer.
“We have ensured there are plenty of sites available offering vaccines across the county. I cannot stress enough how important it is that everyone that’s offered this dose gets their top-up jab as soon as they can.
“COVID-19 may not be at the forefront of our minds, but we must not get complacent. It can still be very dangerous and that’s why we will continue to do everything we can to protect those at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 in Northamptonshire.”
As well as everyone aged 75 and above and those living in care homes for older adults, anyone aged five or over who has a weakened immune system can also access a spring vaccine over the coming months.
Anyone who believes they should be eligible for a vaccine but does not get invited can check online at Alternatively, you can self-declare via the National Booking Service and then speak to a clinician on site.
While more than 1.8 million COVID-19 vaccinations have been delivered in Northamptonshire, there are thousands of people yet to come forward for a primary first or second dose.
Anyone aged five or over* can still come forward for a first or second dose of the vaccine. This offer will also end on 30 June, following the latest Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advice. After this date the NHS offer of the vaccine will become more targeted to those at higher risk and will be offered seasonally.
Chris continues: “It’s not too late to come forward – the offer of first and second doses is available until 30 June. We do not want anyone to miss out on the protection the vaccine offers against serious COVID-19 disease. No one wants to be poorly this spring. Please don’t leave it too late.”
Notes to editors
- *Children must have turned five years old before 1 September 2022 to be eligible for a first dose.
- Further information about COVID-19 vaccination in Northamptonshire is available online at