Encouraging used or unwanted inhalers to be returned to community pharmacy

Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board and Community Pharmacy BLMK and Northants are working together to encourage local people to return their used and unwanted inhalers to community pharmacy. The Greener Inhaler campaign aims to raise awareness of the environmental risks of throwing inhalers away and increase the number of inhalers being disposed of through community pharmacy.
Anne-Marie King, Chief Officer Community Pharmacy BLMK and Northants said: “Putting used or unwanted inhalers in the bin can cause them to leak greenhouse gases, which we know can contribute to global warming. Inhalers need to be incinerated to prevent these gases leaking and your local community pharmacy can support with this.
“So, the next time you are collecting inhalers from your local community pharmacist, please remember to take your used or unwanted inhalers with you so your local pharmacy team can arrange for them to be safely disposed of. There is absolutely no charge to you for using this service.”
The Greener Inhaler campaign launches in November and will run until March.