Below is a summary of free mental health and wellbeing services that you can reach out to.
Many of these services are for all health and social care staff, but some are for specific groups such as nurses or GPs or they may be organisation specific. Please check on the individual descriptions to find out.
Kettering General Hospital (KGH)
Northampton General Hospital (NGH)
NGH now operates a single point of access for their Health and Wellbeing services. This means there is one referral form to access the NGH Staff Psychological Wellbeing service, the Health and Wellbeing service, and the SoS (Support our Staff) service. Please read below for more information about each service or click here to make a referral.
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
You can find all NHFT Occupational Health and Wellbeing contacts and services via the NHFT Staff Room. If you are unable to access the intranet you can call or email the following numbers:
NHFT staff:
KGH staff:
NGH staff:
Have a browse of our selection of video resources below. You may find listening to the experiences of other health and social care colleagues about their experiences helpful at this time
This session looked at why teams matter so much to the wellbeing of staff, the highs and lows of being in a team, and how best to create a positive team environment. It draws upon the presenters’ experiences of work supporting teams and team leaders, using examples from practice and research in the area.
This video was presented as part of Integrated Care Northamptonshire's Virtual Wellbeing Festival 2022.
Hannah Proudfoot (Health Psychologist) and Natashia Harris (Clinical Psychologist) from Stronger Together, interview two staff members, Penny Reading and Neena Quim about their experiences of long COVID and what they have learned on their journeys.
This video was presented as part of Integrated Care Northamptonshire's Virtual Wellbeing Festival 2022.
Dr Sameen Malik, Clinical Psychologist, and Dr Anna Richards, Counselling Psychologist, explore compassion-based approaches to look after ourselves and our colleagues, and how to put them into practice.
Colleagues and poets read about receiving and giving care from the landmark anthology ‘Poems from the Heart of the NHS’. In this collection poetry is used to help us to reflect on our work as caregivers.
The poems pay tribute to the daily human interactions in our work. This is includes who we care for and our colleagues. They have a real part to play in our recovery from the pandemic. Please take time to enjoy these beautifully presented poems, which are a real gift to us.
Acknowledgment of mental health difficulties is often associated with terrible stigma and shame. This can be particularly amongst health and social care colleagues. In this session, Dr Natalie Kemp, Clinical Psychologist, seeks to address the particular difficulties in acknowledging mental health problems.
The aim is to get away from the unhealthy narrative that we as care staff are strong and capable and cannot show weakness. We introduce a new narrative which allows us to acknowledge vulnerability and difficulties in ourselves as part of being human. This exists alongside a sense of ourselves as strong and capable.