Free local and national support networks and services

Below is a summary of free mental health and wellbeing services that you can reach out to.

Many of these services are for all health and social care staff, but some are for specific groups such as nurses or GPs or they may be organisation specific. Please check on the individual descriptions to find out.


NGH, KGH and NHFT support for staff

Kettering General Hospital (KGH)

  • WeCare Cafė – Open Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays) 9 am-4.30 pm. Located in PWEC.
  • For all KGH staff – Space to take a break away from your department/area and get a drink.
  • Contact 07970 042 450 or email the team.
  • Open Office –  Located opposite Costa Coffee near main reception/next to MAU.
    For all KGH staff – A drop-in listening service open 7 days a week (10 am-12 pm and 2-4 pm). Contact Ext. 3231
    or email the team.


Northampton General Hospital (NGH)

NGH now operates a single point of access for their Health and Wellbeing services. This means there is one referral form to access the NGH Staff Psychological Wellbeing service, the Health and Wellbeing service, and the SoS (Support our Staff) service. Please read below for more information about each service or click here to make a referral.

  • The Staff Psychological Wellbeing service – Provides in-house, confidential, psychological support to staff in various aspects of their personal and workplace lives. The service offers one-to-one therapeutic sessions, support for teams, and psychological insights into systemic and team issues. The team can provide expert advice, training, and supervision to other NGH teams and managers to promote staff members’ psychological wellbeing and offer support with workplace challenges, phased return plans, and work adjustments.
    Contact:  D r Claire Hallas, Lead Psychologist or make a referral.

  • The Health and Wellbeing Service – Provides wellbeing conversations and guidance to staff members who are experiencing emotional, financial, and physical health difficulties. This includes facilitating support groups for carers, people with financial concerns, and staff experiencing menopause across NGH. The service also develops and promotes wellbeing campaigns across the hospital and provides training to staff, including Mental Health First Aid Training.
    Contact:  Anne-Marie Dunkley, Health and Wellbeing Manager or make a referral.

  • Support our Staff (SoS) –  A multi-professional, confidential, peer-led support service that provides a safe environment to discuss clinical incidents in the workplace and other issues affecting your wellbeing.
    Contact:  Moya Flaherty, Service Lead or make a referral.


Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

You can find all NHFT Occupational Health and Wellbeing contacts and services via the NHFT Staff Room. If you are unable to access the intranet you can call or email the following numbers:

  • Freedom to speak up - 0800 111 4951 or email
  • Occupational health service - 0300 027 4552
  • Psychological wellbeing or counselling service for support - 0300 027 4542
  • Safeguarding team - 0300 027 2221
  • Spirituality - 07795 527 348 or email

Domestic violence

  • Women’s Aid  – 08082 000 247 or 07879 844 451
    For women and children anywhere in the UK  – 
    24 -hour emergency refuge and support
  • Sunflower Centre  – 01604 888 211
    For anyone living in Northamptonshire – 
    Support and advice services to high-risk male and female victims of domestic abuse

Peer-led support services




  • Doctors Support Network  (DSN) – See website
    For doctors and medical students – A support network for people with mental health concerns



  • Health and Wellbeing Manager  – 01604 545373 (you will need to be able to access the NGH intranet to click on the link)
    For all colleagues of NHG – Support, advice and signposting for staff general health and wellbeing

Perinatal, postnatal and parenting support

  • NorPip  – (Northamptonshire Parent Infant Partnership) – 01604 924 735
    For anyone living in Northamptonshire – Supporting parents-to-be and parents with children under two to form stable relationships

Resources for managers

  • Skills for Care  – 0113 241 1260
    For registered Managers – Networks to join, webinars and training

Specialised support services

  • NHS Practitioner Health  – 0300 0303 300
    For doctors, dentists, and retired GPs returning to practice. Free specialised mental health wellbeing and treatment service

  • Royal College of General Practitioners  (RCGP) Coaching – 07818 372 764
    For all GPs and practice staff – one-to-one coaching with fully qualified coaches to improve work satisfaction
  • Disabled Doctors Network  – See website
    For doctors and medical students living with chronic illness and/or disability
  • DocHealth  – 0207 383 6533 
    For all doctors in the UK. A confidential, not-for-profit, psychotherapeutic consultation service for all doctors to explore professional or personal difficulties with a senior clinician
  • Integrated Response Hub  – 0800 448 0828
    For anyone living in Northamptonshire – 
    24/7 mental health support available weekdays and over weekends
  • Looking after you too  – See website
    For NHS staff working in primary care 
    – individual coaching sessions to discuss an area of your wellbeing
  • NGH Psychology Service – od@ ngh
    For any colleagues employed by NGH – Psychologist-led, in-house talking therapy service

Spiritual support

  • NHFT spiritual wellebeing service  – See website 
    For all staff of any faith working at NHFT – Support to help make sense of experiences that incorporates mind, body soul and spirit

Staff networks (by organisation)

NHFT staff:

  • NHFT BAME Staff Network – 
    For all NHFT staff – Support network for Black, Asian and Minority ethnic staff and allies.
  • Working Carers Network –
    For all NHFT colleagues – Support for staff who have a relative affected by COVID, or who have died
  • LGBTQ+ Network –
  • For all NHFT colleagues – Support network for LGBTQI+ staff and allies

KGH staff:

  • KGH BAME and EDI Network – 07813 363 631 (Please text the number requesting to be added to this KGH staff support WhatsApp group) or email
    For all KGH staff – Support network for Black, Asian and Minority ethnic staff and allies.
  • KGH Overseas Nursing Network –07813 363 518 (Please text the number requesting to be added to this KGH staff support WhatsApp group) or email kgh  
    For overseas nursing staff KGH staff
  • KGH DisAbility Network – 07813 363 542 (Please text the number requesting to be added to this KGH staff support WhatsApp group) or email
    For all KGH staff 
  • Young Peer Support Network – 07977 326 769 (Please text the number requesting to be added to this KGH staff support WhatsApp group) or email
    For all KGH staff
  • Gender Equality Network – 07974 598 792 (Please text the number requesting to be added to this KGH staff support WhatsApp group) or email
    For all KGH staff 
  • LGBTQI+ Network – 07813 363 629 (Please text the number requesting to be added to this KGH staff support WhatsApp group) or email kgh
    For all KGH staff

NGH staff: 

  • DAWN (Disability and Wellbeing Network) – Membership of DAWN is open to all NGH staff who have a disability, long-term condition, or mental health condition, or those who are interested in health and wellbeing at work and want to drive forward disability equality within the Trust.
  • PRIDE Network – The PRIDE network values and recognises the needs of individuals of minority sexual/romantic orientation and gender identity and works proactively to address these needs in the workplace. Membership is open to all NGH staff who identify with any minority sexual/romantic orientation and gender identity including, but not exclusively, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender colleagues, and allies – any staff members with a positive interest in driving forward diversity and inclusion within NGH.
    Contact: , follow on  Twitter .
  • REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage Network) – The aim of this group is to “Enhance and facilitate interdependent and collaborative working across core members to promote inclusion, equality, empowerment to staff who work at Northampton General Hospital and identify as REACH”.
    Contact:  Leanna Luxton , the Chair of the Group for more information, follow on  Twitter.
  • VOICE: NGH Women in Medicine Network – This group is designed to support women in medicine, to empower women to achieve career goals by promoting a culture change that will benefit all women doctors. Membership is open to all women working in medicine and/or dentistry at NGH, this includes staff who are non-binary, transgender, or identify as a woman. Membership is also open to any staff member who is interested in making or supporting equitable organisational changes for our medical and dental staff.

Video resources

Have a browse of our selection of video resources below. You may find listening to the experiences of other health and social care colleagues about their experiences helpful at this time

What Makes A Healthy Team

This session looked at why teams matter so much to the wellbeing of staff, the highs and lows of being in a team, and how best to create a positive team environment. It draws upon the presenters’ experiences of work supporting teams and team leaders, using examples from practice and research in the area.

This video was presented as part of Integrated Care Northamptonshire's Virtual Wellbeing Festival 2022.

Virtual Wellbeing Festival 2023

Our Long COVID Journeys 

Hannah Proudfoot (Health Psychologist) and Natashia Harris (Clinical Psychologist) from Stronger Together, interview two staff members, Penny Reading and Neena Quim about their experiences of long COVID and what they have learned on their journeys. 

This video was presented as part of Integrated Care Northamptonshire's Virtual Wellbeing Festival 2022. 

Virtual Wellbeing Festival 2023 

We matter too video

As health and social care staff we spend much of our time taking care of others. In the process we often neglect our own health and wellbeing.

Dr Sameen Malik, Clinical Psychologist, and Dr Anna Richards, Counselling Psychologist, explore compassion-based approaches to look after ourselves and our colleagues, and how to put them into practice.


Poems from the heart of the NHS video

Colleagues and poets read about receiving and giving care from the landmark anthology ‘Poems from the Heart of the NHS’. In this collection poetry is used to help us to reflect on our work as caregivers.

The poems pay tribute to the daily human interactions in our work. This is includes who we care for and our colleagues. They have a real part to play in our recovery from the pandemic. Please take time to enjoy these beautifully presented poems, which are a real gift to us.


Reducing the stigma of mental health video

Acknowledgment of mental health difficulties is often associated with terrible stigma and shame. This can be particularly amongst health and social care colleagues. In this session, Dr Natalie Kemp, Clinical Psychologist, seeks to address the particular difficulties in acknowledging mental health problems.

The aim is to get away from the unhealthy narrative that we as care staff are strong and capable and cannot show weakness. We introduce a new narrative which allows us to acknowledge vulnerability and difficulties in ourselves as part of being human. This exists alongside a sense of ourselves as strong and capable.

