Primary Care Events
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During Race Equality Week on Wednesday 7 February, Integrated Care Northamptonshire will be holding a virtual drop-in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Staff Engagement ‘Let’s Talk’ session exclusively for global ethnic minority colleagues across our integrated care system.
It is important to all of us that we create inclusive workplaces where colleagues feel respected, valued and heard. So that we can encourage a culture of openness and honesty, it is essential that we listen to staff to understand their views on pertinent issues and hear about workplace experiences, so we can learn what does and does not work. We will use any feedback to help shape future strategy and action planning.
The ‘Let’s Talk’ session will also be an opportunity for us to share with you the vision for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within our integrated care system here in Northamptonshire.
Wednesday 7 February – 12.30pm to 1.30pm
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Meeting ID: 353 725 967 031
Passcode: TLjEhT
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+44 20 3321 5208, 519170835# United Kingdom, London
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