To help practices get ready for the new regulatory approach being implemented later this year new quality statements have been developed.
In the new single assessment framework the CQC ratings and five key questions will stay central to the approach. CQC will replace the existing key lines of enquiry (KLOEs) with a new set of quality statements.
Quality statements are the commitments that providers, commissioners and system leaders should live up to. Expressed as ‘we statements’, they show what is needed to deliver high-quality, person-centered care.
Quality statements will be grouped under each of our five key questions and will link to the regulations. When CQC undertake assessments using the new approach they will do so against these new quality statements and use evidence from a variety of sources to make judgements about quality.
CQC has published the full list of quality statements on their website. In advance of us implementing the new regulatory approach, the CQC will publish more detailed guidance.
CQC has also published information on other elements of the new regulatory approach.
GP Concerns New

GP Concerns New
The provider concerns process has been changed from a web-form to a Word document to align the collection of thematic incidents across all health providers.
Please find the word document you can use for submitting your concerns regarding providers and a list of frequently asked questions.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us through this contact form.
Provider Concerns Notification Form[docx] 221KB
You can find the FAQs here:
Serious Incident framework

Serious Incident Framework
The Serious Incident framework describes the process and procedures to help ensure serious incidents are identified correctly, investigated thoroughly and, most importantly, learned from to prevent the likelihood of similar incidents happening again.
This framework is designed to inform staff providing and commissioning NHS funded services in England who may be involved in identifying, investigating or managing a serious incident. It is relevant to all NHS-funded care in the primary, community, secondary and tertiary sectors. This includes private sector organisations providing NHS-funded services.
Investigations carried out under this framework are conducted for the purposes of learning to prevent recurrence.