Updated Children and Young People's mental health transformation plan published | Primary care latest updates

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Updated Children and Young People's mental health transformation plan published

Two children sitting with an adult in a sports hall

Integrated Care Northamptonshire has published the 2023/24 refresh of the county's Children and Young People’s Mental Health Local Transformation Plan.

This plan captures the wide-ranging and innovative ways in which our integrated care system has continued to adapt to the complexities of increasing demand and acuity of presenting needs of our children and young people.

It also details our progress against national targets and objectives articulated in last year’s plan, within a challenging financial environment. The plan shares our agreed system priorities for 2024/25 and outlines the vision for continued excellence and improvement.

The outstanding commitment to collaborative and creative ways of working has been highlighted this year by the inclusion of a six-part mini-video series, designed by our children and young people. It is hoped this will anchor the foundations of authentic co-production with our young people and provide them with the voice they deserve. The mini-video series, together with the easy read version of our plan, will serve us well in ensuring that their experiences will never be lost, that their voices matter and that they, with us, continue to develop and shape our services to meet their needs.

The authors of the plan would like to thank all system partners, both NHS and voluntary sector, Northamptonshire Children’s Trust, public health, education, youth justice and police teams and both our local authorities for their contributions to the document.

Particular thanks go to NHFT’s Children and Young People Participation Team and the young people who gave their time and energy to this plan and demonstrated their dedication and passion in working in partnership to ensure everyone is supported to achieve their very best outcomes in life.

Download the Northamptonshire Children and Young People's Mental Health Transformation Plan 2023/24

Download the easy read version

Watch the explainer videos playlist on YouTube


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