This page and the information provided on it is for use by people working in primary care only
Are you a newly qualified GP (within 12 months post CCT) working as a salaried GP or Partner within Northamptonshire? If so, you may be interested in our new to practice Fellowship Programme.
What is the Fellowship Programme?
What does the Fellowship Programme involve?
Support & Networking:
Learning & Development:
Portfolio working:
The GP Lead for the General Practice Fellowship Programme Northamptonshire is Dr Harriet Pomeroy so please get in touch at h.pomeroy@nhs.net for further information.
You can also send any queries to Northamptonshire Primary Care Training Hub at enquires.nth@nhs.net.
Learn more about the programme by visiting: www.northantstraininghub.nhs.uk/your-professional-development/development-programmes/gp-fellowship-programme