This page and the information provided on it is for use by people working in primary care only
As of the 1 May 2024, West Northamptonshire Council is delighted to announce Gro Health as the new adult tier 2 weight management service. Please see links below to example flyers for more details and the self-referral link:
Residents can access directly through self-referral, or a referral can be made by health and social care colleagues for a patient.
To be eligible residents must:
With Gro Health, adults can get free access to digital or face-to-face support (depending on eligibility), which includes a structured 12-week support programme to help lose weight, improve health and reach their goals. Gro Health will also provide continued support from a dedicated health coach for up to 12 months.
The new programme offers a range of resources and support from; customised educational resources, nutritious recipes, on-demand exercise classes, and both group and individual health coaching. These tools are crafted to help individuals set and achieve personal health goals while fostering long-term healthy habits.
To check eligibility and register, visit Lose weight and take control of your health (grohealth.com), or call 0330 133 0307.
The Ardens page in primary care will also be amended to detail this service on the healthy weight pathway.
If you are interested in hard copies of the publicity material, please contact Deborah.Mbofana@westnorthants.gov.uk.
Please also forward this information on to any relevant colleagues.
Details of this service can still be found on the WNC council website.