This page and the information provided on it is for use by people working in primary care only
Integrated Care Northamptonshire has partnered up with Northamptonshire Carers to celebrate Carer Rights Day this year. We are running a fantastic virtual workshop session entitled ‘Caring for Your Future’ as part of our Leadership Matters Conversation series.
If you help support or care for a friend or family member, come along and learn about what rights you are entitled to.
The Caring for Your Future event will start at 1pm on Thursday 23 November and is broken down into five short sessions.
The first session will be hosted by Northamptonshire Carers and its aim is to highlight the support available for working carers. This session will cover:
The second session will look at the power of attorney and making a will, while the third session will hear from a working carer who joins us to share her experiences.
In the fourth session we will offer three ‘listening booths’ for people to choose from and learn more about a particular subject during small breakout sessions. The three booths will cover:
The final session will give you the chance to provide feedback on the session, share what you have learned and ask any questions.
Caring for a loved one is a full-time job, and often one people do on top of their own full-time job. The emotional toll it can have on you is massive and sometimes more impactful than the physical demands of being a career. All of us at ICN and Northamptonshire Carers want to applaud the amazing work, time and energy carers put into their roles. We want to help you help yourself and understand exactly what support is available to these, often, unsung heroes.
Register online for Caring for Your Future
Read Caring for Your Future this Carers' Rights Day…Integrated Care Northamptonshire has published the 2023/24 refresh of the county's Children and Young People’s Mental Health Local Transformation Plan.
This plan captures the wide-ranging and innovative ways in which our integrated care system has continued to adapt to the complexities of increasing demand and acuity of presenting needs of our children and young people.
It also details our progress against national targets and objectives articulated in last year’s plan, within a challenging financial environment. The plan shares our agreed system priorities for 2024/25 and outlines the vision for continued excellence and improvement.
The outstanding commitment to collaborative and creative ways of working has been highlighted this year by the inclusion of a six-part mini-video series, designed by our children and young people. It is hoped this will anchor the foundations of authentic co-production with our young people and provide them with the voice they deserve. The mini-video series, together with the easy read version of our plan, will serve us well in ensuring that their experiences will never be lost, that their voices matter and that they, with us, continue to develop and shape our services to meet their needs.
The authors of the plan would like to thank all system partners, both NHS and voluntary sector, Northamptonshire Children’s Trust, public health, education, youth justice and police teams and both our local authorities for their contributions to the document.
Particular thanks go to NHFT’s Children and Young People Participation Team and the young people who gave their time and energy to this plan and demonstrated their dedication and passion in working in partnership to ensure everyone is supported to achieve their very best outcomes in life.
Download the Northamptonshire Children and Young People's Mental Health Transformation Plan 2023/24
Download the easy read version
Watch the explainer videos playlist on YouTube
Read Updated Children and Young People's mental health transformation plan published…
Applications are open for the Certificate training course 'Meeting the Medical Needs of Adults with a Learning Disability'.
The course lasts for 15 months and results in a University Certificate granted by Edge Hill University. The course is run by the Royal College of Physicians and Edge Hill.
The aim of the course is to improve the medical care of the physical health of people with a learning disability. The course is aimed at hospital consultant physicians, senior medical trainees, GPs, particularly those with a learning disability leadership role, senior trainees in learning disability psychiatry and allied health professionals who have a role in the clinical care of medical problems for this patient group.
Funding is available for places starting in February 2024 for those working in England.
For further information and to apply click the link here.
Read Applications open for Certificate training course 'Meeting the Medical Needs of Adults with a Learning Disability'…Pharmacies are busy places. Pharmacy technicians perform vital duties in support of pharmacists — counting pills, entering patient data, waiting on customers, and explaining the use and effects of drugs and medical devices. Pharmacies couldn’t run without them, and they deserve a day of appreciation for all their tireless work! So on October 17, we celebrate the people behind the counter.
National Pharmacy Technician Day recognises the invaluable contributions made by pharmacy technicians to patient health, safety and as an integral part of the healthcare team. It's also a day for pharmacy technicians to reflect on their careers and realise the impact they've had on patients and fellow pharmacy professionals.
Therefore, we want to say a huge thank you to all of the pharmacy technicians working so tirelessly every single day to help our patients across Northamptonshire, and we hope you will join us in thanking your local technicians for their hard work and dedication to providing quality healthcare!
Why National Pharmacy Technician Day is important:
Read National Pharmacy Technician Day 2023…
This month (October) is Menopause Awareness Month and on Wednesday 18 October 2023, Integrated Care Northamptonshire is celebrating World Menopause Day. This is a chance to raise awareness of menopause, the impact it can have and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.
The menopause is experienced by those born with ovaries, usually between the ages of 45-55, though some can experience it earlier than this for natural reasons and others may experience it earlier through medical interventions or surgery.
Menopause is a very personal experience and can affect people at work in various ways. To help people stay well at work, it is so important for us all to understand menopause better, whether that is with regard to our own menopause, or to understand menopause in others. We all have an important role to play in ensuring that anyone experiencing menopausal symptoms gets the same support and understanding as if they had any other health issue.
According to research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), 59% of women who experienced menopausal symptoms said it had a negative effect on their work and around one in six people (17%) have considered leaving work due to a lack of support in relation to their menopause symptoms. The easier you make it for someone to open up to you, the easier it will be to identify the support they need.
Each person will be affected in different ways and to different degrees over different periods of time, and symptoms can often indirectly affect their partners, families and colleagues as well. Menopause can affect people’s confidence and it can be very daunting talking to someone who has no knowledge/ or awareness of the menopause.
Integrated Care Northamptonshire is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive working environment for everyone and we recognise that people experiencing the perimenopause or menopause, whether before, during or after this time of hormonal change and associated symptoms, may need additional consideration, support and adjustments.
Becoming menopause aware for yourself and your colleagues is one of the easiest things that you can do to support yourself, your team and your colleagues – and the following resources and information are available to help with this:
Integrated Care Northamptonshire is working to increase the awareness of menopause and highlight the support available for the NHS and social care workforce across Northamptonshire, alongside creating a menopause-friendly culture, retaining valuable skills and talent with our workforce, and improving the health and wellbeing of our teams.
Please help us understand how our staff experience menopause in the workplace and tell what else we can do to raise awareness and improve the working lives of our workforce by completing this short questionnaire.
You don’t need to be someone with experience of menopause personally to take part.
Read Highlighting menopause support available this Menopause Awareness Month…