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It’s time to Listen, Act, and Change this Race Equality Week!

Steven Morrison and Kuvy Seenan  headshots

In recent years, there have been numerous listening and discussion events focusing on race equality in the workplace.  However, now is the time for action so that real change can take place.

Integrated Care Northamptonshire will be celebrating Race Equality Week on Tuesday 6 February 2024.  We are delighted to invite Steve Morrison (Regional Director of Workforce & Organisational Development for NHS England in the Midlands), and Kuvy Seenan, (Head of Equality and Inclusion at NHS England Midlands), to talk to us about how together, we can make positive progress to create an anti-racist, compassionate and inclusive working culture.  

Everyone has a role to play in the fight for racial equality in the workplace, from the top of each organisation to the b7ottom. The sooner we act, the sooner change can become our reality!

‘Race, equality and inclusion is everyone’s business.’

Join us for this online session taking place at 12:30pm on Tuesday 6 February on Microsoft Teams.

Steve and Kuvy have jointly developed the ‘Time for action: Midlands Workforce, Race Equality, and Inclusion (WREI) Strategy’. This strategy aims to create an anti-racist, compassionate and inclusive workforce. It is designed to tackle both structural and day to day racisms that occurs. The idea behind the strategy is that by improving the quality of work life and removing barriers to professional development for ethnic minorities will help improve the experience of all the workforce regarding how the NHS tackles discrimination.

Join Kuvy and Steven as they discuss their work on the WREI and why the strategy is important –  looking at its key principles of educate, challenge and support. The discussion will also look at what this means for our health and care organisations and how we can all work together to tackle discrimination and provide fairer working environments.

Register your interest for this LMC session on Tuesday 6 February

About Steve Morrison

Steve is the Regional Director of Workforce and Organisational Development for NHS England Midlands and has worked with NHS England since 2012. His current role allows him to work with systems and trusts to ensure the delivery of NHS Long Term Workforce Plan. Throughout his career Steve has been involved in large scale organisational change, leadership development and the management of multi-disciplinary teams. This has enabled him to see and understand the negative impact for organisations and their employees when those organisations were not inclusive, diverse, and welcoming of contributions from all.

About Kuvy Seenan 

Kuvy is the head of equality and inclusion for NHS England Midlands. Growing up in Mauritius, Kuvy moved to the UK to train as a psychiatric nurse, since then he has worked within the NHS for about 20 years in various roles. His current role allows him to provide a strategic steer on tackling workforce equality issues across the region and enabling a system approach to inclusion.

Read It’s time to Listen, Act, and Change this Race Equality Week!…

Share your feedback on the Northamptonshire Care Record

Photo of a nurse in uniform using an ipad to update patient information

Help us to develop and improve the Northamptonshire Care Record for all users by completing this short online questionnaire.

We are delighted that the Northamptonshire Care Record (NCR) has been used to access over 20,000 patient records so far since it’s launch in October.

The new system is transforming care in Northamptonshire. Now that you have access to the NCR, please take a few minutes to complete the NCR feedback form. Your feedback is essential to help us identify ways we can improve the NCR. We'd like your feedback on the training (if undertaken), on the system itself, how you feel it benefits you in your role and any suggestions you may have. Completing this form will take approximately 3-5 minutes.

Feedback on your experiences so far are vital in helping us shape the system and make future developments so that you can provide safer and better care for patients.

In case you don’t already know, the NCR is a new digital platform that allows health and care professionals across the county to view up-to-date patient information held by local GPs, Northampton and Kettering General Hospitals and Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT).

If you need support with access or training please contact More information can also be found at

Read Share your feedback on the Northamptonshire Care Record…

New Cross Sector Experience Award Grant launched by the Academy of Medical Science

Workers sitting in an open plan office

The Academy of Medical Sciences have just launched a funding opportunity for cross-sector experience. As part of the Academy’s Cross-Sector Programme, the Cross-Sector Experience Awards will support individuals to experience different sectors. The award provides up to £100,000 to support individuals who want to gain experience of working in a different sector between three to twelve months, examples include academia, industry, NHS/healthcare, government and policy-based organisations, charities and the private sector. This should be in a sector different to their current role or roles. The academy welcomes applications from those across disciplines and sectors. Applicants’ current work should have a clear link to the improvement of human health. Applicants do not need to work in research to apply, but their work must have a demonstrable link to improving human health

Applications for round one are now open. The deadline for applications is 16:00 on 29 February 2024.

In 2019, the Academy commissioned independent scoping work to assess what could be done to help people connect across sectors. Five key challenges were identified:

  • A lack of incentives
  • Difficulties in connecting with the right people/organisations
  • Little recognition of mobility in career progression appraisals
  • Cultural gaps between organisations
  • Lack of resource to support engagement and backfill mobile researchers, particularly from the NHS and small businesses.

To address these challenges, the academy first launched the Cross-Sector Programme in 2022. The programme is designed to bring together innovators and researchers from different fields to promote health innovation. It also offers support to overcome the challenges to collaborating across sectors. 

In November 2023, the funded Cross-Sector Experience Awards scheme was launched. In addition to providing the incentives and resources required to work in another sector, this scheme will support individuals to:

  • Gain new skills and share skills between different sectors.
  • Generate novel ideas and collaborations that could lead to new innovations.

Find out more information about the grant and how to apply here.

Read New Cross Sector Experience Award Grant launched by the Academy of Medical Science…

Keeping You and Your Team Safe and Well

female hands in a group discussion

For all sorts of reasons, the end of a year and the beginning of a new year can bring many challenges. It's a time of year that often puts pressure on us. You may find Christmas stressful because of other events in your life. You may also feel alone or left out because everyone else seems happy when you're not.

Research shows that the Christmas period often brings with it a reported increase in police call-outs for incidents of domestic abuse. Also, whilst the start of the new year brings the hope of a fresh start for many, for others it creates an emotional low period often referred to as the “New Year's blues.” In fact, feelings of depression, anxiety, nervousness and even dread are quite common during the first few weeks of January.

Integrated Care Northamptonshire, in partnership with Citizens Advice, Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service and NHS mental health practitioners, will be hosting two online events as part of our Leadership Matters Conversations series on Tuesday 5 December and Tuesday 30 January to support you and your team over Christmas and New Year. The following topics will be discussed:

Tuesday 5 December 2023 – 10.30am to 12pm

  • Depression
  • Loneliness
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Wellbeing tips and further support

Tuesday 30 January 2024 – 10.30am to 12pm

  • Managing Stress
  • Debt Management
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Wellbeing tips and further support

You can register to attend the above events by completing this form:

The MS Teams calendar invitation(s) will be issued nearer to the date of the event(s).

Read Keeping You and Your Team Safe and Well…

NEW Wellbeing Timetable Launch

A group of men of varying ages sat in a circle on chairs and talking

We're excited to launch Your Wellbeing Timetable - a timetabled series of FREE support sessions promoting physical and mental wellbeing, available to health and social care colleagues across the East Midlands.

Consisting of over 250 support sessions each month, Your Wellbeing Timetable delivers a series of workshops, webinars, courses, activities, and dedicated colleague-support cafés; delivering advice, support, and useful information to help keep colleagues healthy, safe and well in all aspects of life.

The timetable is brought to you via a combined support offer from Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD) Wellbeing and Stronger Together, who are collaborating on a suite of solutions to support health and social care staff across the East Midlands, to complement existing local support services.

James Buckley, ICB Head of Wellbeing and Workforce Health Services, said:

"The JUCD Wellbeing Service has revolutionised the health and wellbeing culture within our constituent organisations. Our collaborative approach enables us to join knowledge, resources and skills to establish a person-centred model of sustainable, accessible, and equitable preventative wellbeing support.

Having developed a truly collaborative and integrated service provision to support the health and wellbeing of our collective colleagues across Derbyshire, we're delighted to be collaborating with Stronger Together to deliver our award-winning service and extend the existing wellbeing support available for health and social care colleagues across the East Midlands."

Dr Arabella Kurtz, Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Clinical Lead for Stronger Together said:

“Stronger Together is a psychology-led support service for health and social care staff in Northamptonshire.

We believe looking after those who look after others is an absolute priority, not an added extra, and we are delighted to collaborate with Joined Up Care Derbyshire in bringing a holistic wellbeing programme to colleagues across the East Midlands.”

The launch of Your Wellbeing Timetable provides a wealth of inclusive wellbeing support to improve the health and wellbeing of the collective workforce. Sessions are

delivered virtually across the timetable and many of the sessions are recorded to support those who are not able to attend at a set time. All support sessions are provided FREE for colleagues, and they are designed to suit all levels and abilities with options and modifications offered to suit.

Listed below is a roundup showcasing some of the incredible support sessions available as part of Your Wellbeing Timetable:

  • Short activity sessions, making exercise accessible for all - a series of short 10-minute exercise sessions have been timetabled to encourage colleagues to become physically active. Labelled as 'Exercise Snacks', these short activity bursts help to boost circulation, increase mobility, improve fitness, and build strength
  • Healthy Eating and Nutrition - colleagues can manage and maintain a healthy weight by joining a weekly Weight Management Group. This interactive group covers different nutrition related topics each week, including goal setting, portion control, calorie tracking, sugar and snacks, fat loss, and nutrition for Menopause.
    • The Timetable also features nutrition focussed webinars to support gut health, hydration, foods affecting our mood, and nutrition in pregnancy
  • Long Covid Facilitated Peer Support - this support group is facilitated by a Clinical Psychologist from Stronger Together, and provides an opportunity for colleagues to meet other staff members who are suffering with long covid symptoms
  • Menstrual Health Collective - this monthly support group provides colleagues with a space to learn and gain support with their menstruation cycle. Monthly topics include Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, gynaecological cancers, smear tests, and vaginal health
  • Psychological Support - the timetable contains a range of workshops which provide colleagues with helpful techniques to help prioritise wellbeing and support psychological health, including 'Being Kind to Yourself', and 'How to Rest Well'.
    • Additionally, colleagues can access support sessions such as Emotional Freedom Techniques 'Tapping' - an easy to learn evidence-based stress reduction technique, and The Breathing Room, to explore various breathing techniques to help calm, de-stress, detox and re-energise body and mind
  • Coping with Loss, Bereavement Support - a monthly group providing coping mechanisms following the loss of a loved one
  • Support for colleagues living with a health condition and/or hidden disabilities - delivered through a range of physical activity classes, workshops, training courses and support group and cafés, the timetable delivers a wealth of targeted support for colleagues with disabilities, hidden disabilities, neurodiversity and/or long-term health conditions, helping to promote disability, equality and inclusivity

Click here to view the full wellbeing timetable and book onto sessions now!

Your Wellbeing Timetable will be refreshed each quarter to bring you a wide range of up-to-date services, resources, and information to best meet your health and wellbeing needs.

For more information about the timetable, please contact your local wellbeing team.

Read NEW Wellbeing Timetable Launch…
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