Primary Care Latest Updates

Conditions for keeping VidPrevtyn once mixed

A drip in an office with women in background

Sent on behalf of Dr Tim Davies and CARS 

We have been asked for clarity about the conditions within which VidPrevtyn Beta needs to be kept once it has been mixed. A number of sources (SPC, Green Book, e-Learning package, SPS website) all say things that could be interpreted as subtly different. I have been in contact with both UKHSA and NHS England national team and have been advised that the following advice is acceptable:

Once mixed, VidPrevtyn Beta can be kept for a maximum of 6 hours, after which it must be discarded.

If it is being used in a typical clinic setting (for example within a 2-3 hour period) it is acceptable for it to be left out of the fridge during that time.

If the vaccine is to be used over a more protracted time (up to the 6 hour maximum) then it should be placed back in to storage at 2-8 degrees for the periods of inactivity.

If it is unavoidable to keep the vaccine at room temperature for the full 6 hours then there is no need to discard the vaccine earlier than 6 hours and any vaccines given within that period will be acceptable. However, this is not best practice, and the expectation should be that where vaccine will be used over an extended period, up to the 6 hour limit, that it will be kept at 2-8 degrees during periods of inactivity. This may be by utilising a fridge or an appropriate cool box for domiciliary services.

Read Conditions for keeping VidPrevtyn once mixed…

Walk and talk with us - Improve your happiness!

Group of middle aged people jogging in a park

Learn about how to improve your wellbeing whilst getting your steps in!

There are free wellbeing walks at the following locations and dates:

Wednesdays 10.30am to 12.30pm from Delapre Abbey Coach House

Wednesdays 2.30pm to 4.30pm from Heathers Kingsley Park Terrace

You can also try the Action for Happiness online 10 day coaching course. Please visit the Action for Happiness for more information on the course.

Download the free Action for Happiness app for iOS or Android. This will give you access the montly calendar, talks and the Action for Happiness community! The app will also give you friendly nudges with an action idea each day, send you inspiring messages to give you a boost and will help you connect and share ideas with like-minded people.

Read Walk and talk with us - Improve your happiness!…


A group of men of varying ages sat in a circle on chairs and talking

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Board is raising awareness of how to report a safeguarding adults concern. 

Safeguarding Posters

These posters are designed to help raise awareness that safeguarding is everyone's business and inform people how they can report a concern. 

Please support #ReportIt by displaying a poster in your practice waiting room. These are available at the link below or email and we can send one out. 

For further information please visit: Campaigns | Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Boardpaigns.aspx


Read #Reportit…

March edition of ICN Today newsletter now published

Image of a cafe on Giles Street in Northampton with bistro tables and chairs outside a cardboard cut out of Cinderella

The March 2023 edition of ICN Today, your e-newsletter from Integrated Care Northamptonshire, is now available to read online.

In this edition, we bring you updates on new senior colleagues being welcomed to our Integrated Care Board, an exciting new phase for our mental health Crisis Houses, our work to ensure equality in local diabetes and chaplaincy services, and, as we mark Patient Safety Week, our commitment to improving patient safety across our NHS.

There are also some exciting new training and development opportunities to share, including a chance to join our Reverse Mentoring programme – plus a first peek at the brand-new look for our Virtual Wellbeing Festival 2023.

Elsewhere we hear from ICB Non-Executive Member Andrew Hammond, who takes on our Three in 60 Challenge, and from service user Kirstie Pope, who shares her experience of how reasonable adjustments completely transformed her experience of care in Northamptonshire.

Read the March 2023 edition of ICN Today.

Do you want future editions emailed directly to your inbox?  Become an ICN Today subscriber .

Read March edition of ICN Today newsletter now published…

Equality commitment drives review of NHS chaplaincy and diabetes services

Wind turbines landscape image for ICN blog post header

Integrated Care Northamptonshire (ICN) is to undertake a review of local NHS chaplaincy and diabetes services as part of an ongoing commitment to equality across our health and care organisations.

ICN is proud to work with NHS England’s Equality Delivery System (EDS) 2022 to ensure we are developing and improving services, free from discrimination, to meet the needs of our patients, service users, communities and our staff.

EDS 2022 is an accountable equality improvement tool that measures equity in services, workforce health and wellbeing, and leadership.

It helps NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities and provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS, while meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

As part of the initial phase of EDS 2022, ICN will be conducting a review of the chaplaincy services and diabetes services for the period from April 2022 to March 2023. The review will focus on the following four key requirements:

  • Service users have required levels of access to the service
  • Individual service users’ health needs are met
  • When service users use the service, they are free from harm
  • Service users report positive experiences of the service

Diana Belfon, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist for Integrated Care Northamptonshire said: “We will complete EDS 2022 in partnership with our patients, communities and staff, who will be invited to be part of focus groups that will score and rate our chaplaincy and diabetes services.

“Following the service review, service improvement plans will be developed and considered by our various governance processes and shared with key stakeholders.”

If you would like to be involved in the EDS 2022 review into NHS chaplaincy and diabetes services, please contact

Read Equality commitment drives review of NHS chaplaincy and diabetes services…
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