Education and Workforce
This page and the information provided on it is for use by people working in Primary Care only
The Training Hub gives at scale support and development to Primary Care. They are accountable to: Health Education England, NHS England & Improvement, along with the other stakeholders which commission services from the Hub, including all General Practices across Northamptonshire.
The Training Hub is a resource for Primary Care to support with:
Protected Learning Time (PLT) in Northamptonshire is provided one Wednesday Afternoon every month. The exact date / week of PLT does change month on month, usually to avoid surrounding counties' PLT events, as well as Bank Holidays and school holidays. This is not always possible, but an advanced notice of PLT events when it has been agreed with GP OOH cover for the sessions, will be announced in advance.
Central PLT events cover Teaching organised across the whole county. PLT for GPs is led and run by NHS Northamptonshire ICB. There is also PLT for Allied Health Professionals and GP Non-Clinical Teams which is delegated to the Northamptonshire Training Hub.
Instructions for registration for all PLT sessions are kindly hosted by Northants Training Hub.
For queries about Protected Learning Time please contact Dr Jamie Green, Educational Lead for Northamptonshire ICB (jamiegreen@nhs.net)
You can find details of upcoming Protected Learning Time dates on the Training Hub or scroll down for upcoming sessions and documentation from previous PLTs.