Latest updates
On this page you will find the latest updates from the Careers Academy.
Calling all Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)! Grab your coffee mugs and come join the Allied Health Professionals in Adult Social Care ‘Coffee and Chat’ Event. Collaborating with Skills for Care, The Northants AHP Faculty invites all AHPs working in social care to an online forum on Friday 9 September, between 10am and 11am.
All AHPs are welcome to attend the forum, where they will have the opportunity to discuss the issues that really matter, including discussions around: funding for CPD courses, widenings access to AHP careers, championing increased diversity of the AHP groups and colleagues’ health and wellbeing. Join conversations with fellow AHPs over your favourite mid-morning drink!
The Northants AHP Faculty’s goals for the forum are:
This forum is open to all AHP workers in social care and we are excited to have the opportunity to start the conversations about the issues important to you, so please do come along and drop in, even if it’s just for a few minutes between your appointments!
Got the kettle boiling? Join the conversation by following this MS Teams link at 10am on Friday 9 September 2022 (password: sKDQeq).
Not sure if you are an AHP? Allied Health Professions include: Art Therapists, Drama Therapists, Music Therapists, Chiropodists / Podiatrists, Dietitians, Occupational Therapists, Operating Department Practitioners, Orthoptists, Osteopaths, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Prosthetists & Orthotists, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiographers, Speech & Language Therapists.
Interested in becoming an Allied Health Professional? The Careers Academy website contains plenty of information and resources that can offer you a fantastic start!